Your brand is your business. You need to curate a brand image that tells people who you are and what your business is all about. Part of branding yourself successfully is creating designs that are eye-catching, interesting, and recognizable. Coca-Cola has its classic red and white logo with a swirling type. Apple has a minimalistic design with the iconic Apple logo. McDonalds has the instantly recognizable giant golden arches. All of these incredibly successful companies can be picked out of a crowd in an instant.
Your business may not be quite the size of these giants, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take your brand to the next level by crafting a design that’s unique to you. The first step is to get your creative juices flowing. You can find inspiration in the strangest of places. Whether it’s a movie poster, the city streets, or a mountain range while you’re on a hike, inspiration is everywhere. But if you’re busy building the business you’ve always dreamed about, you might not have time to take a mid afternoon stroll. Lucky for you there are plenty of creative design blogs that you can find right from your desk. We’ve put together a few of our favorites, so you can find the inspiration necessary to make your vision come alive.
Why stick with one country when you can explore the whole wide world of packaging? Packaging of the World collects interesting and unique designs from all across the earth. With everything from perfume boxes from France to bags of chips from China, you’ll find all the inspiration you need with this globe trotting packaging blog.
Simple, yet effective. Lovely Package offers pages on pages of some of the most beautiful packaging you’ll find. With this blog you’ll be able to find what makes the artist behind the designs tick. Each photo comes with a short explanation of what inspired them to create each unique work of art.
Insight. Design. Technology. You’ll be able to find inspiration in any of Ambalaj’s categories. From posts about the latest in corporate social responsibility to technological advancements from the minds at MIT, you never know what will peak your creativity. Ambalaj displays packaging as unique as the products they hold. After all inspiration is sparked in the most unexpected of places.
The hardest part of branding a new business is coming up with an instantly recognizable logo. This blog was created by Richard Baird, who is one of the biggest names in logo design. It details the thoughts behind each one of the different brands they showcase. Your company’s logo is a key piece in creating an iconic brand image and BP&O will help you create the perfect one.
No, not that CIA. We’re talking about The Central Illustration Agency. The CIA takes an artist driven approached. A variety of different artists with a variety of different styles are displayed under three different categories: motion, illustration, and physical.
Take advantage of this resource to see different versions of the same artist’s style. Just because you don’t like one illustration of a particular style doesn’t mean that you should abandon that style all together.
Behance makes it beyond easy to sort designs by any topic you can think of. Looking for inspiration for a project you’re creating in Premiere? All you have to sort by Premiere, and get started making your dreams a reality. Maybe you aren’t familiar enough with design to accomplish your vision on your own. No Worries! Behance has a spot for you to post jobs for freelance designers.
TDB or The Design Blog has less to do with packaging than some of the others that made this list, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find the perfect inspiration to make your brand pop! TDB has a slogan: “Don’t just be a designer-be a good one”, and it offers resources, videos and featured designers to help you become just that. They even have links to free vector assets you can use to get your company on its way to greatness.
It’s Nice That offers a lot more than just pictures of packaging. This blog gives the opinions and thoughts of designers, artists and authors. Sometimes it’s nice to hear the reasoning behind choices instead of just trusting that they’re the right ones.
Whether you’re trying out photography, are a professional graphic designer, or are looking to put your business ahead with a brand new advertising, you’ll find the advice and expertise you need on It’s Nice That.
Abduzeedo is a collective of individual writers sharing articles about architecture, design, photography, and UX. It was founded by Fabio Sasso in 2006 as a personal blog, later growing to become a digital publication with several writers from all over the world, working independently.
Typeroom’s tagline is “Glorifying Eclectic Typography” and they live up to that slogan ten times over. Typeroom collects different fonts and projects from all around the world for your consumption. They detail the news, inspiration, and wisdom in the wide world of font. However, what sets Typeroom apart from the pack are their articles that go in depth on the history of the fonts and calligraphy, as well as current projects in the world of design.
This blog is extremely devoted to the style, history and collection of fonts. If you ever wondered how a font came to be, look no further than Typetoken. Every typeface has its own unique story of how, and why, it was created. One of our favorite examples is Optician Sans. Optician Sans is the universally used font for every eye chart you’ve ever been asked to look at. You never think about it while you’re at the doctor, but every font has a name. Whatever the font you’re looking for you’ll find it, where it’s from and why it came to be on Typetoken.